Video Game Awards Game of the Decade

Half Life 2
Photo: Valve

Last week, Entertainment Weekly put together a list of the best videogames since 2002, to mark the very special 10-year anniversary of Spike TV’s Video Game Awards. We asked readers to vote on which game was the absolute, flat-out, number one best game of the past decade. The result was announced live at tonight’s Spike TV VGAs, but in case you missed it, we are proud to award the title of Best Game Since 2002 to…

Half Life 2

Yes, Valve’s iconic first-person shooter Half-Life 2 dominated the voting, proving once and for all that people can’t get enough of videogames starring theoretical physicists. EW offers a hearty congratulations to triumphant developer Valve, which won despite a potential vote-split with Portal.

Follow Darren on Twitter: @DarrenFranich

Read More of EW’s Games Coverage:

The Ten Best Videogames Since 2002

The Nintendo Wii U: A review

E3 2012: It’s Awards Time!

What if your favorite summer movies were retro videogames?

Videogames vs. Movies: Have games replaced films as the modern popular narrative medium?

Videogames I Grew Up With: The EW Staff Speaks!

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