'The Hobbit,' 'Cloud Atlas,' and the other geeky fall movies

In the next few months, some of the great icons in film history will return to big screens across the country. James Bond. Gandalf the Grey. Quentin Tarantino. Paul Thomas Anderson. Bruce Willis. And whoever Milla Jovovich plays in the Resident Evil movies. On this week’s podcast, Jeff Jensen and I take a week-to-week look at the upcoming movies. Spoiler alert: We’re excited for Looper. Double spoiler alert: We are somewhat less excited about Twilight 4.2. Triple spoiler alert: We talk about Speed Racer.

Listen to the complete podcast below, or check us out in the iTunes store. Tweet arguments and counterarguments at us at @EWDocJensen and @DarrenFranich.

Past Podcasts:

Wonder Woman and Superman in love! Plus: More ‘Big Brother’

Thoughts on the ‘Hobbit’ trilogy, and an argument for the greatness of Paul Verhoeven

The epic ‘Dark Knight Rises’ podcast

The movies of Comic-Con, plus our ‘Dark Knight Rises’ likes (and dislikes)

The ‘Before Watchmen’ debate (Plus: Alan Moore does Harry Potter!)

Spider-Man on Film

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