Tracy Morgan gets 'Tanked'

The ''30 Rock'' star was inspired to buy his own sharks after watching ''Jaws'' one day

One day last last year, Tracy Morgan was watching Jaws and musing, as you do, about how he would like to own some sharks. ”A buddy of mine said, ‘Have you seen that show Tanked?”’ recalls the 30 Rock star. ”He showed me the show, I called my agent, and it was on.” Which is how Morgan became the proud owner of a Jaws-themed, shark-filled fish tank built by Tanked stars Wayde King and Brett Raymer, who operate the country’s largest aquarium manufacturing company. Fans of the show, which airs Saturdays at 9 p.m. on Animal Planet, will be able to see how they made Morgan’s 2,700-gallon dream tank in an episode airing later this summer — by which time the SNL veteran says he will have added at least six more sharks to the half dozen currently swimming around in their new abode. Of course, the comedian’s fish-keeping habit made headlines in 2009 when a faulty light caused his previous aquarium to catch fire — a situation that, according to Morgan, will not be repeated with his Tanked tank. ”This is totally fireproofed, man,” he says. ”I promise you nothing will happen with this tank.”

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