Miss Piggy hosts red carpet

Photo: Eduardo Parra/WireImage.com

Miss Piggy will host the red carpet at this Sunday’s Orange British Academy Film Awards ceremony — the BAFTAs. “Imagine the likes of Clooney, Dujardin, Fassbender, Oldman, and Pitt achieving the very pinnacle of their careers by getting a chance to speak with the one and only moi — Miss Piggy!” the diva said in a statement. “Naturally, I will be asking questions that only moi would dare to ask.”

Spencer McHugh, director of brand at Orange, said: “We couldn’t be more delighted that an icon of Miss Piggy’s stature has agreed to host our red carpet show from this year’s BAFTA’s. Having her there is very exciting for us and we can’t wait to see what great interviews she gets on the night.”

The Muppets, which has grossed $87.5 million in North America since opening Nov. 23, premieres in the United Kingdom this week.

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