'Grimm,' 'The Vampire Diaries,' 'The Mentalist' in the Spoiler Room

Bones, David Boreanaz
Photo: Ray Mickshaw/Fox

Howdy, roomies.

Lots to get to this week and I’m a bit under the weather, so I’ll make this brief. Got a question? E-mail me: spoilerroom@ew.com. Like your news fast? Follow me on Twitter:

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Want some scoop? Read on…


One of Grimm‘s most fascinating characters is in for some big-time trouble.

Last week, Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell) entered Nick’s (David Giuntoli) trailer (a.k.a. his Fortress of Solitude) for the very first time. But in doing so, he opened up a big can of Grimm worms, figuratively speaking… we think. “I think Monroe will be itching to get back in that trailer and is a little like, ‘Oh God, I’m betraying my forebearers.'” says EP David Greenwalt. Fellow EP Jim Kouf adds, “There will be some serious consequences coming up for Monroe for helping Nick.” How soon? They wouldn’t say. But I’d keep an eye on this week’s episode. (Wink, nudge.)

That aside, however, this week’s episode is one that both Greenwalt and Kouf are particularly excited about because, says Greenwalt, “I think it’s psychologically a very interesting episode and it poses the question: What’s more dangerous, a critter or man?”

Looking ahead, the pair’s friendship will be tested when they find themselves on opposite sides of a case. “[Monroe’s] whole past will be brought up,” says Greenwalt. “Those are later episodes down the block.” Also possibly down the road? A new “romantic character” in Monroe’s life and a return from his ex. (The latter, though, is still being debated.)

And because so many of you have sent in your questions on Capt. Renard (Sasha Roiz), the EP duo offered up this tease: Before the end of the season (likely with a few episodes to go), we will learn more about him and “it’s not what people think…and we’ve been told a lot of what people think,” says Kouf. “He walks a fine line. He’s balancing more than anyone.

In fact, says Greenwalt, some fans might even find themselves siding with Renard once we learn the truth. “He’s not just purely nefarious at all. He has his reasons for what he’s doing.”


The Feb. 16 episode of The Mentalist will find Patrick Jane once again coming face to face with matchmaker (and troublemaker) Morena Baccarin, who costars on Showtime’s Homeland. And when he does, Simon Baker tells me that we’ll get a chance to see an interesting, rarely-seen side of Jane. “I really like the human side of [Jane] and the human trauma and drama of it all,” he says. “We often get very frivolous and use the cheap gag/crime of the week stuff. But there’s an element to this character that’s very human. He’s also a very lonely character. We don’t really explore that very often, but it underpins him. It was interesting to bring her back because in the episode we did, there was a chemistry between the two characters. They were both deceptive characters and they enjoyed that in each other. And so to bring her back, there’s a bit more friction between the two of them that could potentially open things up for the Jane character.”

Another case we might not have seen the last of? The one from two weeks ago that saw Jane framing the grieving father of a victim. “We’re about to shoot an episode right now that plays into that episode,” says Baker. “It’s interesting because our show is a crime procedural but this year, we’ve tried to play around outside that element and have a story that [recurs] every 2 to 3 episodes but also have stand-alones as well.”


Poor, Tyler. Not only is he likely losing his one-time girlfriend to the man who has made his life a living hell, but now he has to put himself through excruciating pain in order to break the sire bond? Well, ain’t all that a kick to the nuggets? Luckily, Michael Trevino told EW when we caught up with him on Wednesday that he’s holding out for some retribution for Tyler. “Those Brits need to go,” he jokes. “I would like a showdown. I know Julie would write something epic.”

And he’s hopeful he’ll get the epic scene he’s looking for. “It’s one thing for him to say, ‘Yeah, I’ve broken the sire-bond’ … It’s another thing to say, ‘I want nothing to do with Klaus anymore,” Trevino says. “I don’t think Klaus is going to like any of that, so we’ll see what happens when that confrontation happens.”

In non-Klaus-related matters, Trevino says he’s hoping to have a little more screen time with the show’s lead male duo, if for nothing else, to give Tyler his chance to shine. “Besides the showdown with Klaus, I would like to see Tyler be used in some sort of way with Stefan and Damon. Everything that they’re up to, what they’re trying to accomplish. I want something to tick where it’s like, ‘Oh, we’re going to need Tyler for that.’ I think that would be fun,” he says.

NEXT: How I Met Your Mother, Criminal Minds, Hart of Dixie, and more!


You’ve been slacking on the How I Met Your Mother scoop. Give me something juicy! — Khloe

There’s a Feb. episode that I’m particularly excited about, “a head-scratcher” that will remind hardcore fans of season 2’s “Brunch,” according to EP Carter Bays. “It’s a classic,” he says. “It’s kind of a puzzle of an episode that plays with perspective and plays with time. It’s one of the most fun episodes we’ve. You feel like you have to take a math class to figure out how it works,” he says. (More TV dish in this week’s Winter TV preview issue of EW!)

Lewis Jacobs/NBC

Hi Sandra. Hart of Dixie has layered in so much with each character that I can now not decide which couples I am rooting for or against. So a little inside skinny Sugar would be mighty kind! Thanks. — LA

Le sigh. I don’t blame you for not knowing which pairs to root for. In fact, EP Leila Gerstein admits to being in our exact situation. “There’s lots of love triangle stuff going on [in the second half of the season],” she says. “I go from ‘Oh, I’m on Team George’ to ‘I’m on Team Wade’ to ‘I love Lemon and George!'” And look for the characters to be just as conflicted as the rest of us when the show returns. It picks up with a little bit of a time jump and not soon after, we’ll see Lemon and George hitting a rough patch in the back nine episodes as secrets (like the one regarding Lemon and Lavon!) start to come out. “I think that Lemon seeing her mom at the end of episode 10 changed her in fundamental ways,” says Gerstein. “She comes back a little bit of a different person. She’s tense and she’s snappy, and that will be the first thing that will really test their relationship. He doesn’t know what’s going on.” And as for the mad rapping Zoe Hart? “In the first episode coming back, Zoe finds out that by legacy, she’s a Belle. So she has to go thorough initiation to prove that she does belong here. She wears her whole plantation outfit, and gets hazed by Lemon.”

Please give me some Criminal Minds scoop!!!!! Like whether or not the writers are going to revisit that freaky photographer from the season 6 episode “Out of the Light”!!!!!! — “The Maestro”

I’ll pose the latter part of your question to boss Erica Messer next time we chat, but in the meantime, I can report that the 150th episode is going to be a crowd-pleaser for fans of Emily (Paget Brewster). You see, the week’s twisty case (you’ll see what I mean by twisty) will hit home in a big way for her, giving viewers a chance to see a very vulnerable side of the BAU fave. (Note: Send me all your burning Criminal Minds questions. You’ll be glad you did: spoilerroom@ew.com.)

Hey, Sandra. How about a treat for Castle fans? Bring me good news! I’m hearing there will be a kiss. — Kim

Treat. You’re welcome.

Fringe BLEW MY MIND last week. Now, that’s how you return after being on hiatus. It was engaging and had more twists in an hour than most shows have over many seasons. Any scoop, Sandra? — Benjamin

The observer’s bleak message that Olivia’s fate is sealed should be treated as the ultimate truth says EP Jeff Pinkner. “He has seen the future and all possible futures. He said it, so we have to take it as gospel. We can’t reveal too much more without giving away a lot,” he teases. But fellow bossman Joel Wyman adds, “It’s really creepy knowing that he said it. Because watching, around every corner, around every turn, it could happen. That’s what we really liked about it. Every situation she goes into, from walking across the street to taking down a Fringe freak, she could be killed.”

It was nice to see the change in Walternate on this new timeline, but is he for real? Or is this nice thing just a cover? — Daniel

All signs so far point to it being entirely genuine. At least, that’s what I think after talking to Pinkner and Wyman. “We thought itwould be interesting, from Peter’s point of view, that he’s returnedto a timeline that doesn’t meet his expectations,” says Pinkner. While Wyman reveals the truth: “Another interesting thing is that Jeff’s mother really wantedhim to be nicer. We’re always trying to please our mothers.” He was joking. I think.

Gossip Girl
Giovanni Rufino/The CW

EYE ON THE PRIZE Chuck worked hard to save Bass Industries from being sold but now finds himself dancing with the enemy.

A Blouis wedding in the 100th is not very rewarding to the longtime fans. Anything for #Chair fans to look forward to? #GG — @wrightst3

Well, here’s something all evil-loving fans can look forward to: The mad return of Georgina Sparks. Now, we already knew that the longtime enemy of Queen B pops up during the wedding episode, but EP Josh Safran was positively excited about what happens beyond the ultra-dramatic episode. “The Valentine’s Day episode is very fun,” he says. “Georgina Sparks — you can’t get more fun that than. She’s here for a long stretch and whenever she’s around it’s super fun. And then episode 16 also has a very, very, very fun event at its core. We’re trying to alleviate the tension and drama [in episode 100] with fun [episodes].”

White Collar scoopage would make my day! (As would any more pictures of Matt Bomer in Magic Mike. But that’d just be a bonus!) — Yoli

Whilst attending a dinner with Bomer and Royal Pains star Mark Feuerstein, I was able to pick up a small bit of scoop for you: The Tim DeKay-directed episode, that will air in the coming weeks, has the distinction of being the first TV show to film in the new Yankee stadium! And I know what you’re thinking, and yes, I asked. Sadly, we will not see DeKay or Bomer donning baseball uniforms in the episode. Sad face.

NEXT: Alcatraz, Bones, Supernatural, and more!

Lewis Jacobs/NBC

I’ll keep this shortand sweet. I’d lovesome Parks and Recscoop. –Stewart

IfIdowillyouuseyourspacebar? I tease. Adam Scott tells Spoiler Room that the small squabbles will continue to plague one of my favorite TV couples throughout the campaign, which will last until the end of the season. “The campaign tests their relationship in a variety of ways. They’ve come up with a really great way of letting the relationship grow in ways you don’t see on half-hour comedies that often,” he says.

So, I liked Alcatraz enough to stick around a little while longer. I’m really hoping they do something with the Doc-Rebecca friendship. She seems kind of cold as a character, but I really liked their scenes together. Any idea where they’re taking that? I just don’t feel anything for this group yet. — Eddy

It will take a bit of time for the odd duo to come together, according to star Sarah Jones, who I caught up with during a set visit. “I like that Rebecca is not quick to trust people,” she says. “There are very few people in her life who she can trust and I like that the writers aren’t so quick to make Rebecca and Doc best friends. But there’s a relationship that’s built. Sometimes they have a moment together and sometimes she pushes him away. It allows them to get to know each other and learn how to trust each other.”

Are we going to see any more Lost alums on Alcatraz? — Steph

That’s sort of the million dollar question. But EP Jack Bender is definitely open to the idea. “I’m very protective of our family on Lost and I want them to continue to thrive…but you worry that with certain characters who were so iconic that you get screwed by the Seinfeld of it all,” he says. “If any of our other Losties want to show up down the road, great.”

I’m so glad Carter is getting into the action more on Person of Interest. Any hints as to what’s coming up for her? — Shelby

Well, I’ll tell you what might be coming up for someone. When EW talked with EP Jonathan Nolan, he said the last four or five episodes of the season would each “flow like a season finale” and hold nothing back. In fact, he warned, “none of these characters are safe. You always have to be willing to [kill off characters]. Nothing is given.” Gulp.

Am I the only one who sort of enjoyed The Finder? Yes? Oh, well. Scoop me now! — Leslie

Michael Clarke Duncan is ready to kick some butt! “I would want more shooting involved,” he says. “I know Hart [Hanson] is going to have a heart attack because he says, ‘We’re not 24!’ But let me have a gun! Just let me shoot somebody in the kneecap!” Too bad that’s not likely to happen any time soon for nice guy Leo. He’s more of a lover than a fighter. In fact, we’ll get to see him share some steamy scenes with Eureka‘s Salli Richardson when she guests as old flame of Leo’s later this season. (Check out more from our chat here.)

Hey Sandra. You seem pretty tight with the folks at Supernatural. Is this the show’s last season? I can’t say I’ve loved this season and while I’d be sad to see the show go, it’s definitely not what it was. I’m wondering if that’s because they’re getting ready to pack it up. — Ciara

There’s no news of a pickup, yet, and EP Sera Gamble says, “we’re planning for the worst and hoping for the best.” My guess? The show has at least a season left in it. In other news, I hear Bryan Cuprill (Nick from the short-lived Accidentally on Purpose) is set to guest on an upcoming episode as a man stuck in a job as assistant to a nightmare of a boss. He first appears in episode 16.

Lewis Jacobs/NBC

I’m torn. I really want some juicy BONES spoilers, but I’m afraid to ask. I don’t want to be teased not knowing when my favorite show will be back on the air. How about you just skip the spoilers (for now) and just tell us when this current hiatus will be over so we can begin counting down the days? Of course, I would gladly take some elaboration on Mr. Hanson’s tweet regarding Booth, Sweets & underwear(?). – Susan

Wait, so you don’t want to be teased? Or you do? Or…gah! Susan, why are you complicating our relationship so? How about a soft tease from star David Boreanaz, who chatted with Spoiler Room about the baby fun (which might not be the right word from Booth’s POV) on the way: “He’s a good dad [with Parker], but with a newborn, he realizes it’s going to take a lot of patience to deal with Temperance in so many different ways. It’s going to be fun.” Speaking of Parker, look for him to pop up around episode 10 and throw a little (jealousy-rooted!) drama into the new parents’ lives.

Why did EW not show Royal Pains any love this week? It returned and I didn’t see zip! You can make it up to me with some scoop. Thanks! J— Kirsten

Accept my penance: Next week’s episode will see more Tom Cavanagh, who will finally learn the truth about his diagnosis. And it’s pretty crushing. Also, Evan and Paige deal with a buggy situation, and Divya and Hank’s unresolved issues (following her near-fatal mistake) bubble to the surface.

(Carrie Borzillo, Aubry D’arminio, Shaunna Murphy, and Benjamin Wood contributed to this column.)

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