'Hart of Dixie': Does Wade or George belong with Zoe?

Hart Of Dixie
Photo: Jordan Nuttal/The CW

Lately, Hart of Dixie has called into doubt something I thought to be a no-brainer when the pilot aired. Back just a few weeks ago, I thought the show was set up to make me want George (Scott Porter) and Zoe (Rachel Bilson) together — and it succeeded. George obviously loves Lemon (Jaime King) for his own reasons, but Zoe is a much better fit — or so I thought. Over the past few weeks, things have gotten much more complicated, and I now find myself wondering if I’m rooting for Wade (Wilson Bethel).

Don’t get me wrong. In a perfect world, I’d put my full support behind a George and Zoe end game — and there’s a large part of me that would totally be happy with that. But Wade is showing with each episode that he’s more than just a one-note bad boy. Last night, for instance, he opened up to Zoe about his father — the town drunk. And I think as he opens up to her more, she’s going to see him as more than the annoying guy who didn’t fix her window screen, and we’ve seen hints that her view of him is evolving. (You could consider last week’s heat wave episode a big step, but it was clear that she only wanted him for sex. That doesn’t count as evolution.)

George, meanwhile, is trying harder and harder every week to convince Lemon that he has no feelings for Zoe. And while it’s clear they’re friends and get along, I’m starting to believe him. I mean, no guy with doubts is going to start shopping for a home with his fiancee. I won’t get into Lemon’s feelings for the mayor Lavon because that’s a whole other can of worms.

So, readers, what’s your take? Do you think Wade has quickly become the frontrunner for Zoe’s Hart? Or do you think George is in denial/needs to ditch his sour Lemon?

Read more:

‘Hart of Dixie’ gets a full season

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