InsideTV Podcast: Brtual Bentley on The Bachelorette: SYTYCD's Pussycat Doll fetish, and how Doc Jensen's holding up a year after Lost

Press play on the little triangle below to listen to the podcast. “It’s a woman-on-woman crime — and in this case, both of the women are Ashley.” Thanks to InsideTV Podcaster Kristen Baldwin for so succinctly summing up The Bachelorette franchise!

With Dalton Ross on vacation, yours truly bravely stepped in to control the stupid sound effect machine on his desk…a.k.a. host an all-new InsideTV Podcast. This one’s a doozy! First, Kristen Baldwin, Darren Franich and I get off-track by concluding — quite astutely — that dentists should just never date anyone. Then, we call new correspondent Nanny (pictured, inset) to get her hilarious thoughts on losers like the Masked Marvel (Jeff) and despicable reality TV villain Bentley (pictured). After that, Kate Ward and Breia Brissey (famed granddaughter of Nanny) join me for probably the girliest So You Think You Can Dance segment the InsideTV Podcast has ever seen. We answer one of life’s eternal questions: “Tyce Diorio or Tasty Hydrox?” What a relief!

Finally, Jeff “Doc” Jensen, truly the Doubting Thomas in the Caravaggio canvas that is, calls in from L.A. to discuss his final two ‘Lost’ columns and apologize — AGAIN — for the year-long wait. Do stick around until the bitter end, when this spectral shell of a man abruptly hangs up on me and Darren to go call Steven Spielberg!

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