Hoodwinked Too!: Hood vs. Evil Review - Hayden Panettiere

Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil | FLYING CUPCAKES The butt-kicking animated Red (Hayden Panettiere) is back in Hoodwinked Too!: Hood vs. Evil

Hayden Panettiere picks up the mic dropped by Anne Hathaway, the original voice of Little Red Riding Hood in 2005’s Hoodwinked. And time has not been kind to the thin charms of this Shrek wannabe. Now Red teams up with her Granny (Glenn Close) to look into the abduction of Hansel and Gretel. Even with SNL‘s infinitely inventive Bill Hader and Amy Poehler in the H&G vocal roles, the movie can’t be saved from its own vices of manic pacing and tediously pro forma pop culture jokes. C

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