'Parenthood' (season?) finale: And the pregnancy test belongs to...


After the intense ending of last week’s episode and the still uncertain season three looming, you’d be naive not to expect some heavy emotions from Parenthood‘s season finale. SPOILERS ahead! If you don’t want to know about Parenthood‘s season finale, click away! MVP Awards go to Alex (Michael B. Jordan), Amber (Mae Whitman), Max (Max Burkholder), and Sarah (Lauren Graham), all of whom managed to make my heart swell even larger than normal, and break out my very best ugly cry.

Jasmine (Joy Bryant) and Crosby (Dax Shephard) finally achieved some closure by getting back together (which is good for everyone except his real estate agent, considering all the work he and Joel put into that fixer-upper), and Amber’s near death experience and Sarah’s achievement left the mother-daughter duo with a new level of respect for one another. But what has me feeling the most conflicted is the trash-can discovery by Adam (Peter Krause) actually belongs to his wife Kristina (Monica Potter). Whose pregnancy test did you think that would be? (I was hoping for Julia.) And did anyone else think he hung onto that sucker for way too long? Someone peed on it! Unexpected pregnancies are a tired, season finale trope (hello, Tami Taylor on FNL) that benefit from a summer hiatus, which allows writers to shrink a ninth month process down to less than four. Yes, Parenthood hasn’t been breaking any barriers in terms of its plot (infidelity, car accidents, substance abuse — they’ve all been done) yet this surprise just seemed unnecessary. Is it wrong to think the eldest Braverman has his hands full with Haddie and Max? How will Kristina ever go back into a political career with a toddler? Parenthood is best when it showcases its actors ability to put their own gut-wrenching spin on these aged plot lines, but are you on board with this one? And how will Julia (Erika Christensen), who’s decided to pursue adoption, react to the news?

Are you behind the pregnancy plot line, PopWatchers? If the show does in fact end (please no!) were you satisfied with last night’s finale? Despite it being the last episode of the season, you can still get your Jason Katims-Michael B. Jordan fix over on Friday Night Lights (just be sure to grab another box of tissues).

Read more:

‘Parenthood’: Please don’t kill Gary

‘Parenthood’: If Jasmine and Crosby don’t end up together, would you be okay with that? Joy Bryant weighs in.

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