Guillermo del Toro makes DreamWorks Animation his 'home'

Image Credit: Kevin Winter/Getty ImagesGuillermo del Toro and DreamWorks Animation announced this morning that the studio will be the director’s “home” for animation projects. He’s now an executive producer for Puss in Boots, and the studio bought the rights to his story Trollhunters, which DreamWorks “plans to produce a 3D animated feature film, which will be written and directed by del Toro himself,” the company said in a statement.

I’m pretty much for anything that makes it easier for Guillermo del Toro to make more movies, and if he can encourage the studio to chill on all the Shrek-related projects, so much the better. (Let’s cover some new territory, people.) I’d love to see another studio give Pixar a run for its money, and if anyone can pull off evocative, unique, and captivating, it’s del Toro.

What do you think, PopWatchers? Are you ready for del Toro’s new animation empire to take over? Or are you still smarting over The Hobbit?

Read more:

Guillermo del Toro really loves ‘The Haunted Mansion’ and really wants ‘The Hobbit’ to get made

Comic-Con: Guillermo del Toro announces ‘Haunted Mansion’ remake for Disney

‘Puss In Boots’ spin-off details revealed. Why this could be the cat’s meow.

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