Emmy Video: 'Castle' star Nathan Fillion confirms timing of Castle-Beckett hookup!

Image Credit: Adam Taylor/ABC; Albert L. Ortega/PR PhotosIt’s hard to imagine any man alive giving Castle leading man Nathan Fillion an inferiority complex, but that’s exactly what Victor Webster did the first day he stepped on set to play Beckett’s new boyfriend. “I don’t look up to many men, but that guy is tall,” Fillion confessed Sunday on the Emmy red carpet. “He’s, like, big. I stand next to him and I’m eye to eye with his chin.” In the end, Webster’s towering biker dude won’t prove to be a serious obstacle in the Castle-Beckett saga. You see, Fillion went on to not only confirm that the unrequited lovers will indeed hook up, but he practically pinpointed the date it will happen! The revealing video is after the jump!

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