Fox to 'Fringe' fans: 'We have no intention of screwing with the show'

Image Credit: Liane Hentscher/FoxDespite a dip in ratings last season, Fringe remains a key asset for Fox. That’s the word from the network’s entertainment prez Kevin Reilly, who sang the show’s praises at press tour this morning.

“We have no intention of screwing with Fringe because the show has been going great,” assured Reilly. “It really came into its own last season. If I have any frustration it’s that I’d like the audience to be bigger because people deserve to see the work.”

Reilly went on to say that “the first batch of scripts with the alternative universe” have been particularly strong.

For more from Fox’s just-wrapped exec session, read Lynette Rice’s full report in Hollywood Insider. And in case you missed it, my revealing interview with Joshua Jackson, Anna Torv, and John Noble at Comic-Con is embedded below for your viewing pleasure.

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