Can a real-life 'Glee' tide you over?

Now that Glee is on hiatus, might we sustain ourselves with its real-life counterpart? NBC’s hoping so, with its Nick Lachey-hosted a capella contest Sing-Off debuting tonight.

Deja vu? You’re remembering Clash of the Choirs from 2007. At least I am, because I totally watched that. Because, sigh, I’m obsessed with choral shows. Welcome to my shame journal, PopWatchers!

For example, I was slavishly devoted to TLC’s short-lived Trial By Choir:

Anyone? Anyone else moved by the uplifting powers of song and the transcendent spirit of community? Just me?

I’m hoping Sing-Off is popular so some enterprising network executive will bring British hit show The Choir to America. In it, choral director Gareth Malone assembles unlikely groups into vocal powerhouses — like in The Choir: Boys Don’t Sing, where he managed to wrangle 1,250 reluctant schoolboys into this:

In The Choir: Unsung Town, he turned an entire village into a chorus:

Are you expecting Sing-Off to hit your Gleek-y joy receptors, PopWatchers? And do you share even a shred of my dedication to choral pleasures?

Read more: EW exclusive: ‘The Sing Off’ premiere set list

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