Blind item shocker: Someone's having a baby!

Congratulations are in order! A major female character on a popular and highly rated hour-long drama series will learn that she’s pregnant next month.

Come to think of it, hold off on the congratulations. This is far from a happy occasion. You see, the expectant mom will be none too thrilled to find herself with child. For starters, the timing couldn’t be worse — both professionally and personally. And then there’s the baby daddy. He’s been, um, going through some stuff lately. Personal stuff. The kind of stuff only a psychologist and/or a surgeon can fix. A kid is an extra dose of crazy he probably doesn’t need right now either.

On the other hand, maybe a new life is exactly the kind of game-changing event these two do need. As the saying goes, good things come in initially small packages.

Of course, there’s an added wrinkle I have yet to mention. The bun in her oven? It may have company.

Who will unexpectedly find herself in a family way and then some? Deliver your best guesses to the comments section below!

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