Enter the Fray: 'American Idol,' Chris and Rihanna, and David Boreanaz


Happy Friday the 13th (again), PopWatchers! I hope your day has been filled with lots of luck and smiley faces. In the spirit of luck, don’t forget that St. Patty’s day is coming up this Tuesday — so be sure to run out and get your plastic green hats and Kiss Me, I’m Irish shirts. But before you head out to your local party store, let’s Enter the Fray. This week we have a veritable grab bag of topics — some Chris Brown and Rihanna, a dash of Twilight, and, of course, lots of American Idol for good measure. Sounds delicious, does it not?

10. We speculated on whether Lost and American Idol can peacefully coexist in the same timeslot.

9. Michael Slezak offered his Michael Jackson song suggestions for the top 13.

8. Ken Tucker wondered if Watchmen‘s politics will stir up debate from Rush Limbaugh or Bill O’Reilly.

7. Now that Dakota Fanning is playing Jane, you weighed in (emphatically) on who should be Alec in Twilight’s sequel New Moon.

6. Kerrie Mitchell shared the results of a Boston survey that found that teenagers blame Rihanna for Chris Brown’s assault on her. Really, people? Really?

5. Jennifer Armstrong wondered if Chris Brown should be nominated for a Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Award.

4. You shared your thoughts on Oprah’s plan to dedicate an episode to Rihanna and victims of domestic abuse.

3. Mandi Bierly asked you for questions to ask Bones star David Boreanaz — and boy, did you comply! Oh, and he (sorta) answered them too!

2. Nicholas Fonseca shared his thoughts on The L Word finale’s unresolved murder mystery, and whether it even mattered.

1. Racking up the most comments of the week — all from today (!) — Tanner Stransky wondered why American Idol won’t just come out of the closet already.

addCredit(“The L Word: Paul Michaud”)

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