'Adventureland' and 'I Love You, Man' red-band trailers: More excited to see the movies now?

Confession: When the original trailer for Adventureland — a theme park comedy with Jesse Eisenberg and Kristen Stewart — hit the web a while back, I was a little underwhelmed. It looked cute but a little tame — the movie equivalent of one of those pirate ship rides that swings back and forth and makes you spill your Nerds but isn’t really all that exciting.

But this new red-band trailer (below, and definitely NSFW!) actually has me looking forward to the movie, which comes off as a less manic cousin of Superbad (it was written and directed by Superbad helmer Greg Mottola). Does that mean I have a dirty mind? Probably. But I ask you: What is a teen comedy without restricted substances, clumsy make-out sessions, and crude genitalia-based insults?

Same goes for the new red-band trailer of the Paul Rudd-Jason Segel comedy I Love You, Man, which ramps up the raunch — but, in doing so, it also gives you a better feel for the movie’s characters.

Your turn, PopWatchers: Do these red-band trailers make you want to see the movies more?

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