Pop culture hit and miss

Pop culture hit and miss -- We predict pop culture for the year 2008 including ''Mamma Mia,'' ''Big Brother,'' and Kenny G


* Indiana Jones and the Half-Blood Park Avenue Princesses

* Clash of the divas: New albums from Janet, Whitney, and Mariah

* Lily Tomlin in HBO’s 12 Miles of Bad Road. We live for the title alone

Near Misses

* The L Word. Yes, the authors of The Bullseye are still holding on

* Reboot the Chenbot! Big Brother starts in February

* Mamma Mia! Will it be the next Hairspray…or the next Producers?


* Valentine’s Day with Kenny G at Starbucks

* Strike ’08: To quote that wise sage Natasha Bedingfield: ”The rest is still unwritten”

Jan. 22: The day our souls die. Saw IV and The Simple Life Goes to Camp out on DVD.

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