The latest news from Hollywood

The latest news from Hollywood -- ''Private Practice,'' Randy Jackson, and John Singleton made news the week of December 21, 2007

+ Talk about coitus interruptus: David Sutcliffe (Gilmore Girls) was set to become Kate Walsh‘s new love interest on Private Practice until the ongoing writers’ strike postponed any chance for beachside nookie (the duo was last seen exchanging glances on Dec. 5). Sutcliffe says he’ll be back for at least four more episodes as Officer Kevin Nelson, though he has no idea how the courtship will play out: ”We’ll have some kind of date and things will heat up, but…I don’t know if we’re getting married or I’m getting killed. That’s part of the fun with it.”
+ Last winter, viewers tuned in to Bravo’s Top Design expecting a Project Runway– and Top Chef-esque (read: classy) reality show about home decorating. Instead, they got an hour that was about as thrilling as staring at a beige wall. So if news that the series will be back next year surprises you, take heart: Bravo has hired Magical Elves, the production company behind Runway and Chef, to give Design a head-to-toe makeover. ”We want the show to be everything it can be,” says Bravo programming exec Andy Cohen. ”It was a show people rooted for — and has a ton of potential.” As such, Elves’ Dan Cutforth and Jane Lipsitz say they plan to feature ”more accessible design” in season 2. They’re about to start contestant casting but have yet to decide if underutilized host Todd Oldham and judges Jonathan Adler, Margaret Russell, and Kelly Wearstler will return. (Says Cutforth, ”I’m sure there will be some changes.”) How nervous are they about the new challenge? ”Ultimately, it’s a simple format,” says Cutforth. ”It’s not like the wheel has to be reinvented.” But it could certainly use a new coat of paint. — Lynette Rice and Jessica Shaw

+ Multitasking producer Randy Jackson is prepping the release of a compilation album in March 2008. Randy Jackson’s Music Club Vol. 1 promises ”a lot of crazy guest stars,” the American Idol judge tells us. ”It’s kind of a Quincy Jones record with all sorts — country, pop, hip-hop, R&B, and jazz songs. Different people are singing on every song. There’s a bunch of artists.” Jackson spoke to us from the set of his new MTV show America’s Best Dance Crew, a live-performance competition slated to air early next year. But don’t worry — he’s not giving up his Idol gig. In fact, he’s more pumped than ever about season 7. ”The under-21 crowd is blowing me away. We could have our most original top 12 ever. I was pleasantly surprised.” — Shirley Halperin

+ We love it when a plan comes together: According to sources, John Singleton will bring The A-Team to the big screen. The director is in negotiations to helm Twentieth Century Fox’s adaptation of NBC’s ’80s hit, which is being morphed into an action-packed modern-day comedy based on that crazy group of ex-U.S. Army Special Forces who work as ”soldiers of fortune.” No casting has been announced, which means Mr. T’s iconic B.A. Baracas role is up for grabs. Let’s just hope the phrase ”I pity the fool” gets retired. The gold chains and mohawk, however, must stay. — Nicole Sperling

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