Why wait to review the movies when we can grade the teasers?

Why wait to review the movies when we can grade the teasers? Check out what we thought of ''The Good Shepherd,'' ''Apocalypto,'' ''Harsh Times,'' and ''Eragon''

Why wait to review the movies when we can grade the teasers?

Harsh Times
Two guys are driving through L.A. in a big sedan, beers in hand. One (Christian Bale) is a stone killer, while the other (Freddy Rodriguez) is trying to find his way. Smells like Training Day…and the lack of freshness doesn’t help it stand out. C+

This movie will have to go a long way to convince audiences it’s more than a Lord of the Rings clone or, worse, a Dragonheart sequel. But the beastie looks good, and having Jeremy Irons’ wearily aristocratic voice dripping all over definitely helps. B

The Good Shepherd
Everyone looks very serious here, from Matt Damon to Angelina Jolie to William Hurt. And they should, since this Robert De Niro-directed flick is about the birth of the CIA. But the proceedings look so grim, it feels a little like homework. B

Since there’s no dialogue, this trailer — featuring Mayans going to war — plays like a silent film, one with a really overactive score. And lots of violence. And people painted in that Braveheart blue. Intriguing, I’ll say that. B+

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