Blade: Trinity

Ryan Reynolds, Blade: Trinity
Photo: Blade: Trinity: Diyah Pera

Blade versus Dracula. For a trilogy capper, the matchup makes all the sense in the underworld. But this main event is actually more like an undercard to Ryan ”Van Wilder” Reynolds’ unlikely coming-out as a ripped action hero in Blade: Trinity. Reynolds’ Hannibal King and Jessica Biel’s Abigail Whistler are the Nightstalkers, self-appointed sidekicks to Wesley Snipes’ dour vampire hunter, and the new blood in a franchise that was due for a transfusion. Writer-director David S. Goyer throws in some fun touches — even a vampire Pomeranian works — but it’s King who rules. EXTRAS Snipes, reportedly irked by getting such heavy backup, is as present here as a vampire in the daytime. As co-producer Peter Frankfurt delicately explains in a featurette, ”Dealing with. . .lots of very dynamic personalities who need to be properly managed is always a challenge.” Cut to a clip of Snipes laughing about the on-set tension. Meanwhile, Reynolds and Biel supply commentary with Goyer, and an alternate werewolf-hunting ending hints at visions of a Nightstalker spin-off dancing in the trio’s heads.

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