Live Bait

P.J. Tracy, Live Bait

Live Bait, the second novel by P. J. Tracy — a pseudonym for a mother-daughter writing team — follows the quirky characters introduced in last year’s ”Monkeewrench”: post-traumatic computer programmer Grace MacBride, who won’t go anywhere without her English riding boots or her pistol; her brilliant business partner, Harley Davidson; and the charming detective duo of Leo Magozzi and Gino Rolseth. This time, the cops are tracking the murderer of Jewish geriatrics in Minneapolis. It doesn’t sound sexy, but ”Bait” is quick-witted and -paced, with a snappy plot that incorporates romance, gore, and a surprise ending. For those who mourn that Patricia Cornwell ain’t what she used to be, Tracy’s a wondrous discovery.

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