Just how adorable is Kate Hudson, anyway?

Just how adorable is Kate Hudson, anyway? The ''How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days'' cutie tells EW.com that when it comes to real-life romance, she's one heck of a stalker

Kate Hudson
Photo: Kate Hudson: Darla Khazei / Retna Ltd.

In ”How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days,” Kate Hudson, 23, plays Andie, a writer doing her best to be the Girlfriend From Hell. Still, she can’t help winning the heart of her macho beau (played by Matthew McConaughey). EW.com talked to the Oscar-nominated actress (”Almost Famous”) about her ”a–hole” husband (her words, not ours), playing a mass murderer, and why she doesn’t mind being too darn cute.

You’ve built a career out of playing different shades of adorable. Do you ever worry about being pigeonholed?
Next I will play a mass murderer, but one you root for! No, I don’t think about things like that. My mom once said something really important about pleasing others: People can put you down and they can bring you up, but if you believe either of it, you’ll be miserable. As far as feeling loved and finding love, that happens at home, not at work.

It’s been nearly three years since ”Almost Famous.” What took you so long to get your first role as a leading lady?
I’ve seen so many romantic comedy scripts. They’re always the same story you’ve seen before, and they’re cute, but not funny. This was just like an old movie, where it’s about two people in a situation, instead of some third party coming between them. But even with this script, there were a lot of rewrites, a lot of restructuring. This was the first time I was involved in the process from the very beginning. Lynda [Obst, the producer] developed the s— out of it.

What did you do to improve the script?
Matthew and I ad-libbed, and a lot of it ended up in the movie. It was so important to show that the attraction between these two people is strong, because the story would fall apart if their interaction became malicious or mean.

This movie is all about the obsessive things women do when they’re after a man. Who have you stalked?
I’ve done the calling thing, where you call and call and call. I’ve also written letters I probably shouldn’t have. And drive-bys are something I always did. But the worst I’ve ever been was about this one particular guy I had a really big crush on. I used to follow him everywhere. My friends would act as spies, so if they saw him at a restaurant, I’d get the phone call: ”Guess who’s here?” And I’d get all gussied up and walk in like I had no idea he was there. That made him almost angry, because I was kind of stalking him. But hey, I was young and unafraid.

Did you stalk your husband, Black Crowes singer Chris Robinson?
We actually met two years before we started dating when a friend introduced us. It was a Halloween party, and Chris wanted me to take my wig off, and I said no way, because I had one of those nylon stockings over my head. So later, our friend asked him about me, and he said, ”She’s kind of an a–hole.” And then this friend asked me the same thing, and I said, ”He’s kind of an a–hole.” Little did we know we were going to be in love two years later. Love them a–holes!

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