Felicitous End

Felicity must have whiplash. Ever since Keri Russell’s perky coed graduated in the April 24 episode, it’s been tough to keep up with her time-traveling ways. First, the show flashed forward six months to postgrad life with hottie Ben (Scott Speedman). Then she jumped back in time to choose doormat Noel (Scott Foley). But in the May 22 series finale, she pulled a Back to the Future to undo the last few weeks — and 3.7 million viewers filled up online chat boards and scratched their mortarboard-less heads. Why didn’t the show end with diplomas? Blame Kevin Williamson, whose midseason thriller Glory Days tanked (thus extending Felicity’s run). ”The moment we taped the graduation,” says exec producer Matt Reeves, ”we found out we were gonna have to do five more.”

But the Noel-Ben issue wasn’t the only stumper. Tangi Miller’s Elena — who died postcommencement — turns up at the finale’s wedding between Noel and Zoe (Sarah Jane Morris). A scene with Felicity warning Elena about her imminent death was cut to save time, says Reeves, who likens the resurrection to Miracle on 34th Street. ”Elena was the equivalent of Kris Kringle’s cane.” Well, that clears it all up.

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