A Guy Thing

Jason Lee, Julia Stiles, ...
Photo: A Guy Thing: Diyah Pera

”It’s ‘Meet the Parents’ crossed with ‘Say Anything…,”’ boasts director Koch. ”I’m so dead if anyone hears that. Tell that to Hollywood executives and they’re like, ?Don’t say ‘Say Anything…’! That’s one of those great little movies that doesn’t make any money!”’ It’s also the movie that cemented the romantic appeal of its star John Cusack, a prize that could await Jason Lee if Koch’s promises hold true. In his first mainstream lead role, Lee plays a marketing exec who may have committed the ultimate sin at his bachelor party. ”Jason has always been to me the guy in ‘Chasing Amy,”’ says Koch (”Snow Day”). ”But I knew he could be that really great leading man. That made it hard to cast the best friend, though. I was like, ?Well, maybe Jason can play his own best friend.”’ (”John Q.”’s Hatosy saves Lee from the double duty.)

Stiles plays the inappropriate object of Lee’s affection. ”In rehearsals, every time I would say a line I would be listening to hear if people would laugh,” she says. ”But the audience is the camera crew and they’re tired and they’ve been working for 12 hours and they’ve heard all the jokes before.” Stiles’ anxiety aside, the only other drawback was the film’s guy-centric moniker. ”I don’t want a title that we have to overcome,” says Koch. ”I don’t want people to think this is a frat movie. This isn’t ‘Saving Silverman.”’

‘THING’ CALLED LOVE Lee (with Stiles) has a rude awakening

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