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The I Love Lucy 50th Anniversary Experience, a tribute to TV’s most famous redhead. HELLO, LUUUCY! Along with the rarely seen pilot, this road show includes original props, costumes, and scripts, plus re-creations of Lucy and Ricky Ricardo’s NYC apartment and the Tropicana. WHERE TO TUNE IN After its June 28 debut at Milwaukee’s Summerfest, the tour hits cities nationwide for the next four years. FAMILY BUSINESS The exhibit got the stamp of approval — and memorabilia — from Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz’s kids, Desi Jr. and Lucie Arnaz, who says her mom could ”make you scream with laughter.” THAT CRAZY REDHEAD Lucy wannabes can reenact the star’s antics in contests that require them to stomp grapes, wrap chocolates on a high-velocity conveyor belt, and hawk ”Vitameatavegamin.” FINAL FANTASY Footage of select players will appear in a two-hour I Love Lucy special slated to air on CBS Oct. 15.

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