Kate Hudson talks Oscar with EW.com

Hollywood's newest ingenue chats about Jimmy Page and that little golden man

Kate Hudson, Screen Actors Guild Awards 2001
Photo: Kate Hudson: Ernie Stewart/Retna

Best Supporting Actress nominee Kate Hudson knows a thing or two about groupies. The 21 year old, who recently wed the Black Crowes’ Chris Robinson, has already snagged a Golden Globe for her portrayal of the lovelorn ”band aid” Penny Lane in Cameron Crowe’s ’70s rock epic ”Almost Famous.” Entertainment Weekly is picking Hudson as the odds on favorite to win an Oscar, and more than 50 percent of voters in EW.com’s Oscar Poll agree.

Hudson recently told EW she has always longed to win a statuette for Best Supporting Actress — the same award her mother, Goldie Hawn, earned in 1969 for her first major film ”Cactus Flower.” But ask Kate what she’s doing to prepare for her big night on March 25 and she says she’s just ”trying not to think about it.” EW.com caught up with Hudson on Tuesday, while she was promoting her upcoming film ”About Adam” (due out in May)


Are you ready for the Oscar ceremony?
I’m not thinking about it. Well, I’m trying not to. I know Sunday I’m going to be frantic, totally nervous.

How did it feel to be recognized?
It didn’t become a reality until I went to the nominees luncheon. I’m sitting there at a lunch with all the people involved in this industry. Not just actors who everybody focuses on, but the people who really make it happen — makeup artists, set designers, and costume designers. They’re all so talented. And I go, ”God what an honor it is to be part of this.”

How much do you think the award matters for your career?
When I was a kid I always loved watching the Academy Awards. I always looked at it like, ”I hope one day my work will be honored like that, wouldn’t that be great.” But that’s all it is. It’s the work. It has nothing to do with my everyday life, or with who I aspire to be as an everyday individual and how I will constantly try to better myself as a person.

Your parents are both performers. Is that how you got started in the business?
I remember telling my family when I was 11 — I went to my mother and I said, ”I want to act.” She kind of went, ”Oh, no, we knew this was coming.” Then I did tons of stuff. I did theater. But I could never stand theater companies. I was always like, ”God, why are you so ACTOR-y? Why are you so self important?”

How did you feel when you found out your face would be the entire ”Almost Famous” poster?
Actually my mother found out before I did. She called me, like, FREAKING out, and I said, ”What is it, what is it?” She said, ”Did you know your face is the poster, your poster is the poster face?” I went, ”What?” And she goes, ”Your face! You are the poster of the face!” I said, ”You mean my face is on the poster?” And she goes, ”Yeah, it’s just you!”

There’s been some cross over between your life and your role as Penny Lane. For example, your husband recently toured with a Jimmy Page, one of the rockers who inspired ”Famous.”
It was weird because I had Jimmy Page all over my trailer walls while I was filming. I knew everything about him — all the girls he was with. I had just flown into Chicago, and I was nervous because I was going on the road with the man I wanted to marry, which is so bizarre. I got there and I was standing on the side of the stage going, ”Oh my god, this is the man [Page] I was pretending to look at for six months.” And when I met him, he had such a soft voice. I was like, ”But you’re Jimmy Page! Aren’t you supposed to be into S&M or something?”

Read All About Oscar 2001 for EW.com’s comprehensive Academy Awards coverage.

Or see photos from the nominated movies at People.com

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