Cyber Digest

A weekly spin on the Web

TWO OF A KIND Visitors to the U.S. version of the Snatch website ( are being swindled: Guy Ritchie’s new diamond-heist flick gets far better treatment in his native U.K. (; the flashy British site has a bloody good card game based on the film’s warring gangs, for one thing. Still, the movie is seeing some American-style success online: Promotional Snatch T-shirts, made by Dolce & Gabbana — and practically worn at the altar by Madonna — are fetching upwards of $100 on eBay.

ON THE LAMB Hannibal has been chewed over so much online — from the hand-drawn portraits at The Art of Loving Lecter ( art/) to the e-card of Hopkins gnawing on a hand at A Pound of Flesh ( — that MGM’s official site ( is left sucking marrow. It’s too early to release pictures of kidnapper Mason Verger, and posting recipes from Dr. Lecter’s cookbook would be too cheeky. So the Hannibal site’s creators went with a diary from unit publicist Rob Harris — it’s a four-star meal compared with the usual pap — and larded the pages with such hidden features as an FBI database (try clicking around Ray Liotta’s face in the Interviews section). The site’s most inventive element, assuming anyone contributes, is called Have You Seen Him? — which invites fans to submit photos of imaginary Lecter sightings. Agent Starling would be proud.

MAKING ‘KIDS’ If you don’t like the sporty Walkman design and the go-go-gadget feel of the Spy Kids website (, take it up with the film’s director. Robert Rodriguez (El Mariachi, The Faculty) was intimately involved in the site’s creation, from the five secret missions that outline the movie’s plot to the color of the Super Guppy submarine, not to mention the appalling lack of Teri Hatcher and Antonio Banderas photos.

PIXEL PERFECT Are pop divas made of flesh and bone, as they would have us believe, or are they the creation of clever marketing and promotion teams? If you answered the latter, then you might just believe that T-Babe and Eve Solal are real up-and-comers — even though they exist only in the virtual world. Solal is a young barmaid who is trying to lose weight and land a gig, according to her homepage ( T-Babe, meanwhile, lounges around in a digital bikini on the Glasgow Records site ( and is releasing her new single, ”Peter Pumpkineater,” this spring. Expect a full report from cyber-news anchor Ananova ( shortly.

FILL IN THE BLANK Some people already think interactive television is a joke, and on Feb. 9 they’re going to be right: That night’s episode of ABC’s Norm will include punchlines culled from Web users. Every show this month has offered a half-baked gag that viewers could finish online. What happens if the submissions stink? ”We’ll fire the public,” says Norm Macdonald. Great, more dotcom layoffs.

SCOOT OVER You might feel like the only kid in the world who didn’t get a Razor for Christmas, but it’s not too late to hop on the extreme street-scootering trend. For tips, check out the video clips at — including tricks that are best suited to guys who’ve already suffered serious head injuries.

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