Flicks & clicks

From ''The 6th Day'' to ''Red Planet,'' a look at new movie websites

Billy Elliot (www.billyelliot.com)
Elegant pics, tons of festival accolades and lush music create a classy setting for the coolest part of the site: interviews with Jamie Bell, the film’s engaging 14-year-old star. Website Grade B+

The 6th Day (www.spe.sony.com/movies/the6thday)
A ”sliding gauge” lets you choose behind-the-scenes bits. Video clips show Ahnuld rehearsing a scene — and make being an action hero look like hard work. Website Grade B

Red Planet (redplanetmovie.com)
Beeps, lights, and humorless instructions set the tone for this site, apparently designed to mimic NASA-like bureaucracy. The liveliest feature profiles Amee, the robot star. Website Grade C

Rugrats in Paris — The Movie (nick.com/all_nick/movies/rugrats_paris)
Eclairs fly as a freckled brat tosses a gob of green goo that covers your computer screen. And we say oui to the Le Food Frenzy game. Website Grade B

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