Catchphrase overload

Catchphrase overload -- Parodies of Budweiser's ''Whaaassuuup'' ads are everywhere from ''South Park'' to ''Scary Movie''

Here’s something ”True”: Parodies of Budweiser’s Whaaassuuup ads are all waaashed up. The latest entry to the already existing keg-full of spoofs comes from Scary Movie: A Scream-style Grim Reaper juts out his tongue and shouts the sacred male bon mot. ”It’s like, ‘Can we move on?”’ sighs Charles Stone III, creator and star of the award-winning, high-decibel ad campaign. ”Soon people will hate it.” Soon? The Internet is already overflowing with send-ups featuring, among others, the Superfriends, the South Park boys, the animated slackers from Clerks, and Elian Gonzalez. Promos for TV Land use faux Whassuuup voices over a clip of Adam 12. Even Regis Philbin filmed a Whassuuup parody for Live With Regis and Kathie Lee. It’s gotten so bad that the webzine Modern Humorist did a parody of parodies starring, of all things, imitation Disney Dinosaurs. ”We sort of took it to the logical extreme of stupidity,” says coeditor Michael Colton. Give that man a Bud!

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