Newt Gingrich's catchphrases

Newt Gingrich's catchphrases -- The Speaker of the House's sayings make it to print in "Newtisms"

Last week, we reported that Nellspeak was replacing Gumpisms. It was a short reign. The new catchphrases are Newtisms, an alphabetized collection of House Speaker Newt Gingrich’s sayings from Pocket Books. But prior to publication on Jan. 19, publishers made a change to the ”B” listing to add — you guessed it — that quote from his mom, Kathleen Gingrich. What does the Speaker say? ”I wouldn’t think he’d be pleased they chose to include that,” says his press secretary, Tony Blankley. ”But I hope that one of his quotes will appear in Bartlett’s when it’s all over.”

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