Mail from our readers

Check out letters from those who agreed with us, and those who didn't, on ''Lethal Weapon 3,'' ''Far and Away,'' and MTV's ''Real World''

Mail from our readers

Hot Summer
Once again, your Summer Movie Preview (119, May 22) was well worth the wait. I am completely confident that just like last year’s issue, this one will help me separate the dogs from the dazzlers. The ”Inside Stories” provided considerable behind-the-scenes intrigue, and the accompanying sidebars gave interesting details on actors and directors. Keep up the good work.
Jean Behrend
Glen Ridge, N.J.

Thank you for your special feature, the Summer Movie Preview. Entertainment Weekly has come through once again. This just goes to prove that your magazine is really an insider’s tour of Hollywood. After reading the issue, I know which movies to definitely catch, and which movies to miss out on.
Tom Lee
Millbrae, Calif.

I’ve been a fan of your magazine since its beginning, and while your summer preview issue was very good, I was upset by the comments of Richard Donner in your preview of Lethal Weapon 3. I saw nothing but greed and utter contempt for his fans in his remarks. I loved the first two Lethal Weapons, but this one was awful. They obviously didn’t care about the story or the people in the audience. In the future, I will definitely read up on new movies in your magazine before throwing away money.
Charlie Smith
Aurora, Ind.

‘Far’ Out
Has film critic Owen Gleiberman suffered a bout of amnesia? In his film review of Far and Away, Gleiberman says that whenever Tom Cruise tries to be a ”serious actor,” he’s hampered by the fact that he ”seems to have eased through life on silver wings, never touching anything that resembles human pain.” Has Gleiberman forgotten Cruise’s searing, Oscar-nominated portrayal of paraplegic Ron Kovic in Born on the Fourth of July?
Jeff T. Dick
Davenport, Iowa

I have just read your review of Far and Away. I always find the magazine enjoyable, but the review was a slap in the face. To give this movie a C was ridiculous. I have seen two sneak previews and found myself walking out of the theater (even the second time!) swept away by Tom Cruise’s and Nicole Kidman’s performances. But I must not forget that your movie critic was the one who gave Dances With Wolves a C, and it turned around and won seven Oscars!
Karyn Frisby

I have had it with your movie reviews. The straw that broke the camel’s back was the C+ given to Lethal Weapon 3. Every negative point your so-called movie critic made had nothing to back it up. Joe Pesci did have an important role, and the movie did have forward momentum. The movie was so refreshingly funny and lighthearted that it didn’t need a strong villain. Lethal Weapon 3 is not ”like a pile of odds and ends.” It is simply a different approach to the Mel Gibson-Danny Glover partnership that happens to be successful.
David Rakowitz
St. Hedwig, Tex.

‘World Weary’
MTV’s Real World, given an A in Ken Tucker’s review, is fatuous and contrived. The show’s length, 30 minutes, gives these ”real” kids 15 more minutes of fame than even Andy Warhol would have. Hearing them talk about how wonderful their new digs and roomies are, even with the hip, bouncy soundtrack and all the fast cutting, is a yawn.
K.D. Robinson
New York City

Mickey’s Mouth
In your News & Notes item, you quote Mickey Rourke’s comments blaming the riots in Los Angeles on such black filmmakers as John Singleton and Spike Lee and on rappers. Rourke may be a good actor, but he has yet to play the part of an African-American male living his life in South Central Los Angeles, and until he does, he should keep his mouth shut, because he can’t possibly understand what he’s talking about.
Rosemary C. Watson
Los Angeles

Jane’s Bra
In the Encore ”Howard’s End,” a tired myth is perpetuated about then RKO Pictures chief Howard Hughes inventing a special brassiere ”that maneuvered Jane Russell to maximum camera-angle advantage in The Outlaw.” While Hughes did invent a bra, Russell says in her autobiography (1985’s Jane Russell: My Past and My Detours): “I never wore his bra.” It proved too uncomfortable. The bra that ”maneuvered” her to ”maximum camera-angle advantage” in The Outlaw was one of her own.
Jonas Young
New York City

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