The Greatest Love Story

You are not an accident. The God who created the universe, who set the moon and stars in place, loves YOU and chose YOU, even before the world was formed.

He knows you better than you know yourself, and he loves you simply because you are YOU. There are no conditions on his love: at every moment you are infinitely loved by him. You are dear to him.

The original harmony between us and God was shattered when sin entered the world. Even though God’s understanding is beyond human reason, Adam and Eve refused to trust his omniscience and took it upon themselves to be their own gods, choosing themselves above their creator.

We continue to turn our back on God, selfishly distorting the good gifts he has given us. Our sin has torn at the very fabric of creation, allowing disease, darkness, and death to inundate our world. Our relationship with God has been ruptured. Refusing to follow God’s plan of love, we have been enslaved to sin.

God loves us so much that he became man and died for us. Christ outstretched his arms and submitted to death to reconcile us to his Father. Death and sin do not have the final word: Christ’s Resurrection opens for us the doors to new life in him.

Christ’s sacrifice and victory transcends space and time, and it is made present on the altar at every Mass! No one is excluded from his offer of love and mercy, no matter how great a sinner we might be! This includes YOU.

Jesus has opened the door for you, and through his Church, he invites you into a personal relationship with God, but God won’t force you to choose him.

Christ comes to us in the Eucharist, offering himself to us: Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity. He nourishes us, offering himself as “our daily bread.” It is easy for us to overlook this extraordinary gift. Even people who go to Mass each Sunday forget that Jesus is not merely symbolically present, but truly and substantially.

It’s time for us to entrust ourselves to the One who gave his life for us and invites us to encounter him in the Eucharist. It’s time for a Eucharistic Revival.

What is the
And why does it matter?
Revival is not something we do.
Revival is not something we do.
It’s God stirring up the hearts of his people.
It’s God stirring up the hearts of his people.

Walk With One

There is someone in your life right now whom Jesus longs to call to himself. He wants to spark a relationship with them and bless them with his sacraments. In this Year of Mission, Catholics across the U.S. are saying “yes” to a special form of heart-to-heart accompaniment called the Walk With One initiative. This is your opportunity to be God’s instrument in the life of another person.

Learn More

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