Delaware sues oil companies for lying about their products' effect on climate change

Portrait of Brandon Holveck Brandon Holveck
Delaware News Journal

The Delaware attorney general on Tuesday sued 31 fossil fuel companies, including Exxon, Chevron and BP, accusing them of deceiving the public about the role their products play in causing climate change and damaging the state's environment.

Attorney General Kathy Jennings said at a press briefing the companies engaged in a decadeslong coordinated campaign to mislead the public out of greed.

The complaint filed by Jennings says the companies have known for more than 50 years that pollution caused by their products would adversely impact the Earth's climate and sea level. It seeks compensation for current and future damages and penalties of $10,000 for each instance in which the defendants violated the Consumer Fraud Act since the mid-20th century.

"This is not about stopping climate change," Jennings said. "This is about Delaware surviving it."

Delaware Attorney General Kathy Jennings speaks at a press conference about the need to pass legislation to address police brutality and address racial injustice in Delaware.

As the country's lowest-lying state, Delaware is particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change wrought by an increase of greenhouse gas pollution and increased concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere over the past several decades.

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The effects include sea level rise, more frequent and intense precipitation events and an increase in heat waves and droughts.

The American Petroleum Institute, the largest U.S. trade association for the oil and natural gas industry, is also named in the lawsuit. In a statement, Paul Afonso, the group's chief legal officer, said the industry has provided "affordable" and "reliable" energy while "substantially reducing emissions and our environmental footprint."

"Any suggestion to the contrary is false," he said.

In an email, ExxonMobil spokesperson Casey Norton said the state's claims are "baseless and without merit."

"Legal proceedings like this waste millions of dollars of taxpayer money and do nothing to advance meaningful actions that reduce the risks of climate change," Norton wrote. "ExxonMobil will continue to invest in efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while meeting society’s growing demand for energy."

Representatives from Chevron and BP did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Secretary Shawn Garvin, DNREC, gives his remarks on Senate Bill 200 before being signed by Governor John Carney in Rehoboth Beach.  The two pieces of legislation aimed at protecting Delaware’s coastline and coastal economy from offshore drilling.

Delaware joins a growing list of cities and states that have filed lawsuits against the oil industry. Washington, D.C., Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Minnesota have each filed similar suits.

Jennings said her suit focuses on the negative impacts on Delaware, where sea level and temperatures are rising, placing residents and properties at risk, particularly along Delaware's coast. The effects of climate change also pose challenges to the state's agricultural industry, one of its largest economic drivers and employers.

"This isn't something that is way off in the future," said Shawn Garvin, secretary of the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control. "This is something we're seeing right now."

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The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has estimated that if little or no action is taken to stop greenhouse gas emissions, oceans could rise from 2 to 7.1 feet by 2100. In Delaware, seas have risen in Lewes by an average of about 3.35 millimeters per year — twice the global average — and state officials have previously estimated that 8% to 11% of the state’s land could be underwater by 2100.

Delaware ranks among the worst states in the nation for flood risk, according to researchers with the nonprofit First Street Foundation. Research released in June shows that there are nearly 11,000 more properties at risk of flooding than FEMA’s flood maps indicate.

Motorists run afoul of the weather in Rockland on Friday, Aug. 7, 2020.

By 2050, about the time new homeowners would be paying off their mortgages, that number jumps by 21% to 48,000 properties facing substantial risk. 

2019 marked the end of Delaware's warmest decade on record

The only similar case that has received a ruling was a lawsuit brought by New York City. A U.S. judge dismissed the city's claims, saying climate change must be addressed through federal regulation and foreign policy.

Jennings believes her lawsuit, which she described as a "straight forward damages suit," should be heard at the state level because of the direct impact of the industry's negligence and deception on the people of Delaware.

"Right now, the cost of climate change is being borne by us, the taxpayers," Jennings said. "That's not right."

Contact Brandon Holveck at Follow on Twitter @holveck_brandon.