Community Digest

Greatest hits from previous weeks:

How cpu, ram works for eos and are transactions free?

I'm a little bit fuzzy about what's going on for eos. All say transactions are free, but what you do is you make a stake. My questions are: 1) What is a stake? 2) After making a stake, what cpu and ...

block-producer staking blockchains bandwidth  
user avatar asked by Chemistry Score of 4
user avatar answered by confused00 Score of 7

How to deploy a contract to testnet?

I have been testing and a lot of the docs refer to deploying to a local node only. How we can deploy a contract to the jungle testnet?

user avatar asked by Trevor Oakley Score of 6
user avatar answered by Miguel Mota Score of 3

What programming languages will be supported by EOS?

I understand that EOS supports C++ at launch and can support any language that compiles into WebAssembly (WASM) Here is a list of languages that compile to or are compatible with WebAssembly. I am ...

user avatar asked by jaggedsoft Score of 20
user avatar answered by Jordi Goyanes Score of 9

How to set "deep structures" for Smart Contracts Tables?

I have a table that I'm playing with that I want to have a map that links the id with a specific structure. I tried to use map and the code compiles fine, but when generating the abi file it takes ...

smart-contract multi-index table  
user avatar asked by Leo Ribeiro Score of 4
user avatar answered by John Haager Score of 1

Delete all multi_index records without iterator?

I am running a multi_index in my contract and want to include an abi action that will clear it. Is there a clever way to delete all records? At the moment I am using something like this: //@abi ...

table multi-index  
user avatar asked by tmm Score of 10
user avatar answered by tmm Score of 8

How to sign raw transaction with eosjs?

Lets say I have a transaction like below: var tx = { transaction_id: '111ee28e5deca69e54dadf751eba8fae181f0ceafc601dcab92700f5200abef8', broadcast: false, transaction: { ...

user avatar asked by cookiekid Score of 12
user avatar answered by nsjames Score of 8

How does WASM get interpreted by the EOS virtual machine?

WASM is meant to be executed by general purpose computers. How does the low level WASM get converted to a form that the EOS virtual machine can understand?

user avatar asked by Daniel Que Score of 5
user avatar answered by bytemaster Score of 3
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