Ways to Give

Every donation to the English Empowerment Center helps us build a community empowered by the ability to read, write, speak, and understand English. Listed here are ways that you can support us.

Donate Now

Since 1962, the English Empowerment Center (formerly LCNV) has worked to teach adults the basic skills of reading, writing, speaking, and understanding English so they can access employment and educational opportunities and more fully and equitably participate in the community. Your support helps the English Empowerment Center to continue these efforts. Help us make a difference and donate today! Click here or mail a check (made out to the English Empowerment Center) to:

English Empowerment Center
2855 Annandale Road
Falls Church, VA 22042

Corporate Matching Gift Program

You can make your personal donation to the English Empowerment Center go twice as far! The company that you work for may have a matching gift program (that may include volunteer hours). Ask your Human Resource Department or Community Relations Office for details and forms or click here to view your employers matching gift program. 

Donor Advised Funds

Donating through a Donor Advised Fund is a great tax-friendly way to give to your favorite charitable organizations, and now it's easier than ever! Use the Donor Advised Fund form on our Donate page to access your fund's login page to make the grant recommendation.

Monthly Giving

Your gifts to the English Empowerment Center change the lives of those enrolled in our classes, and their empowerment strengthens the whole community. Your donations each month have a great influence: for a small amount each month, you can have a great influence: you show our learners that you value their long-term success, and you provide the English Empowerment Center with consistent resources to expand and improve our programs throughout the region. Become a Monthly Donor today by selecting “Recurring Gift” when you make a donation.

Tribute Gifts

Give a tribute gift in memory or in honor of someone special. Make a donation to honor a loved one’s birthday, anniversary, wedding, or graduation or honor the loss of a loved one by making a donation in their memory. When you give a tribute gift through our Donate Form, we will notify a loved one of your donation through the mail or by email.

CFC, CVC, and United Way

The English Empowerment Center is a proud member organization of the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), the Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign (CVC), and the United Way of the National Capital Area. Please use the CFC Designation Code #28828, the CVC Designation Code #201310, or the United Way NCA Designation Code #8356 to help English Empowerment Center learners through your workplace giving campaign.

Qualified Charitable Distribution

If you are required to take a minimum distribution from your IRA, consult your tax professional about making a Qualified Charitable Distribution, which can reduce your taxable income.

Planned Giving

Making a planned gift to the English Empowerment Center will have lasting benefits and provide a better future for generations of adult learns to come. You can include the English Empowerment Center in your plans at any stage of your life.  For more information, please contact the Development Office at 703-237-0866 or development@englishempowermentcenter.org

Amazon Wish List

Purchase the exact item that we need to serve our learners and have it shipped directly to us!


Every time you shop at any of the 1,900+ online stores in the iGive network, a portion of the money you spend benefits the English Empowerment Center. It's a free service, and you'll never pay more when you reach a store through iGive. You will also enjoy iGive's repository of coupons, free shipping deals, and sales. To get started, just create your free iGive account.
Start iGiving at: www.iGive.com/LiteracyCouncilofNorthernVirginia