Become a Monthly Donor

“By learning English, I can do a lot of different things. I want to make sure I can do important things in my community and for my family. I want to go to University to be a teacher. I also want to become a story writer for children. I want my people to speak English and I want to teach them.” -Fadumo

When one adult learns English with the English Empowerment Center, it begins a ripple effect. Armed with the tools to get better jobs, further their education, advocate for their families and serve their communities, their influence spreads and changes the lives of those around them.

You, too, can have a lasting influence on Northern Virginia and beyond. Your gifts to the English Empowerment Center change the lives of those enrolled in our classes, and their empowerment strengthens the whole community. That is why we are launching our Monthly Giving Campaign. For a small amount each month, you can have a great influence: you show our learners that you value their long-term success, and you provide the English Empowerment Center with consistent resources to expand and improve our programs throughout the region.

Here are the ways you can help:

  • $10 a month provides financial aid to an English Empowerment Center student for one year of Beginning English classes.
  • $25 a month pays for three families to enroll in our Family Learning Program.
  • $50 a month covers the cost for two students to participate in our Intensive English & Work Readiness Course.
  • Become a Recurring Donor today by choosing “Recurring Gift” when you donate today!