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Flag Friday, 12 July 2024
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Lukashenko: Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk has become a celebration of traditional values  Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “It has become a genuine family holiday, a celebration of traditional values. Residents and our guests can definitely rest their souls here.”
Lukashenko presents Union State literature, art awards at Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk
The Union State prizes for literature and art for 2023-2024 were awarded at a session of the Supreme State Council of the Union State of Belarus and Russia in January 2024.
Photo courtesy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Belarus’ future participation in Summit of Future, High-Level Week of UN General Assembly discussed
 Yuri Ambrazevich and Rasul Baghirov discussed Belarus’ interaction with the United Nations Organization, directions and priorities of UN program work in Belarus. Attention was paid to social and economic development of Belarus.
News agency News of Belarus today
State support for Belarusian SMEs over Br1bn up in 2024
According to Ruslan Neverovich, there are plans to increase the funding of measures and events stipulated by the program this year by more than Br1 billion. In particular, the central state budget will spend about Br7 million more on state financial support of SMEs this year.
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