Emacs Stack Exchange Community Digest

Top new questions this week:

Disabling some symbols from being prettified in a given mode

In AucTeX, I want to use prettify-symbols-mode but not prettify "--" and "---". Why is the following not working? (add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook #'(lambda () ...

auctex hooks prettify-symbols-mode  
user avatar asked by scaramouche Score of 2
user avatar answered by phils Score of 2

Any way to cancel C-q quoted-insert?

Is there a way to cancel the quoted-insert that begins when I press C-q? Sometimes when I mean to press C-w, I miss and hit the Q key instead of the W key. Trying to cancel C-q with C-g inserts a ...

key-bindings mark point undo c-q  
user avatar asked by amacleod Score of 2
user avatar answered by Gilles 'SO- stop being evil' Score of 6

describe-char renders the character, but not the buffer

I put some unicode text in a buffer and it looks like this: But if I move to that box and run M-x describe-char I see it rendered correctly at the bottom, next to "decomposition". So, Emacs ...

fonts unicode  
user avatar asked by Rob N Score of 2
user avatar answered by db48x Score of 2

Keeping dired minor modes on/off across buffers

I frequently toggle the two minor modes dired-omit-mode and dired-hide-details-mode in dired buffers. If I move into a new directory, dired creates a new buffer, and so these minor modes will (since I ...

buffers dired minor-mode  
user avatar asked by neddo Score of 1
user avatar answered by phils Score of 3

Org babel add extra "," after indent for no reason

Insert the following text in an org buffer with electric-indent-mode on. #+begin_src python s=''' #+1 #+1''' #+end_src add a newline to s, and the buffer will become: #+begin_src python s=''' ,#+...

org-mode org-babel indentation electric-indent python-mode  
user avatar asked by godblessfq Score of 1
user avatar answered by bikemule Score of 1

Greatest hits from previous weeks:

How to update packages installed with use-package

I'm using use-package to install and configure packages (most of these packages are in melpa). Is there a clean automated way of keeping all these packages up-to-date ? If not, what is the best work ...

user avatar asked by Jaagrit Sapana Score of 44
user avatar answered by glucas Score of 42

How do I install GnuTLS for Emacs 25.1 on Windows?

I just upgraded Emacs on my Windows 10 machine from 24.5 to 25.1. For Emacs 24.5 I had GnuTLS correctly setup and for 25.1 I did what I thought I remembered I did: Got prebuilt Emacs binaries from ...

microsoft-windows gnutls  
user avatar asked by Omar Score of 22
user avatar answered by Omar Score of 31

How to change the current working directory?

how to change the current working directory of emacs? set default-directory doesn't not affect the emacs process's current working directory, which can be verified via lsof -p pid.

user avatar asked by FunkyBaby Score of 22
user avatar answered by Stefan Score of 7

Emacs Blue color too dark

Emacs blue (on dark background) is too dark. classA is readable with difficulty in the example below: How to fix the dark blue colour?

faces colors  
user avatar asked by Viesturs Score of 24
user avatar answered by Viesturs Score of 20

How do I use emacsclient to connect to a remote emacs instance?

I'd like to be able to run emacs on one computer: server $ emacs --daemon And then connect to it from another: local $ emacsclient -c server Is this possible? If so, how?

daemon emacsclient networking  
user avatar asked by liszt Score of 56
user avatar answered by paprika Score of 25

"cannot set terminal process group" error when running bash script

I have the following two lines of code in my init.el file: (setq shell-file-name "bash") (setq shell-command-switch "-ic") I tried executing the following script to get a list of executables using ...

shell-command bash  
user avatar asked by wdkrnls Score of 16
user avatar answered by jch Score of 13

Org-mode 9: unable to eval code-blocks

My Emacs config lives inside of a .org file from which I tangle source blocks to a .el file. I could evaluate source blocks with C-c C-c Today I updated to org-mode version 9 from org elpa and now ...

org-mode org-babel eval tangle  
user avatar asked by rrogg Score of 45
user avatar answered by erikstokes Score of 47
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