Captioning loved
by accessibility trailblazers
Echo Labs is a cutting edge captioning platform built for higher education. We’re on a mission to empower educators to create more inclusive classrooms.
ADA Compliant: 99.8% Accurate
Big Savings: starts at $0.70/minute
University of Chicago University of Central Florida Harvard University CSU San Bernadino University of Illinois University of Northern Colorado University of Chicago University of Central Florida Harvard University CSU San Bernadino University of Illinois University of Northern Colorado
Echo Labs Pricing
We've saved schools $3,589,329 on captioning in the past 60 days
We believe that proactive accessibility should be the default in every institution across the country, and that starts with radically lowering the cost of captioning.

Starting at just $0.70 per minute, our cutting edge technology makes caption compliance nearly 3x more affordable than what most pay for today. Allowing our partners to free up millions every year to reinvest in their people and expand support for their student body.
Beyond 99% Accuracy
We've set a new standard
for caption accuracy
Backed by the founders of Siri and UChicago's Deep Tech Ventures, Echo Labs is the first to achieve 99.8% accuracy in real world environments.
1Detailed Speaker Labels 2Easily Handles Technical Jargon 3Caption Sound Effects
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Integrations Galore
Seamless integrations that put accessibility on autopilot
If there was a land speed record for captioning, our users would hold the record. With just 3 clicks, you can submit thousands of videos and, once done, we'll automatically go back and update the file in its original location; it's magic.
A handful of our time-saving integrations:
Have a team member personally introduce you to Echo Labs.
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Frequently Asked Questions

By leveraging in-house AI advancements made by the Echo Labs team, we’re able to offer ADA compliant captioning with 24 hour delivery at a cost never before possible in our industry. While prices depend on volume, we begin at nearly 65% less than the closest alternative. Click here to speak to someone on the team.