Eightfold Talent Management

Activate greatness with unrivaled AI insights

See what's possible with Talent Management

0 %
of employees leverage the Eightfold Career Hub
0 %
Increase in internal transfers and promotions
0 %
of employees found opportunities in our marketplace
0 %
of hires are internal
or re-recruited

See every employee's potential

Better talent management begins with a single view of talent across your organization so you can create an engaging employee experience where every decision is backed by data, built upon equality, and focused on growth.

Career planning

Engage and retain employees with tailor-made career paths

Connect employees with relevant opportunities — projects, courses, mentors, or jobs — to help them create customized career plans and discover new opportunities in Talent Management.

Skills development

Partner with employees to cultivate their skills through relevant projects and courses

Our Career Hub in Talent Management helps you strategically develop your employees’ skills beyond their current roles, creating comprehensive skills portfolios relevant today and in the future.

Internal mobility

Match talent with ambition

With a view of skills adjacencies and learnability, we quickly surface relevant internal opportunities to employees and help recruiters quickly discover internal candidates for open roles in Talent Management.

What leaders are saying about Talent Management

Talent redeployment

Redeploy employees where they’re needed most

Quickly transition talent into open positions that match their skills and potential while immediately fulfilling business needs.

Talent marketplace

Create a culture brimming with opportunity

Immerse employees in new opportunities with a centralized hub of jobs, projects, gigs, events, and mentors to catapult their growth and increase engagement in Talent Management. Hiring managers can also instantly identify employees with the skills they need to complete critical projects.

Succession planning

Develop a stronger bench of talent

With deep-learning AI guiding Talent Management, organizations can see everyone’s role readiness based on their skills — not their connections — giving managers deeper insights into qualified successors.

Talent Management resources

Create an employee experience backed by data and focused on growth.

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