Edu-Futuro is very proud to share the news that Edu-Family 2024 was a great success, becoming one of the best-attended events in the 25-year history of our organization. 

In total, more than 400 students, parents, volunteers, and staff joined us for a full day of educational activities this past Saturday, July 13, 2024. Edu-Family 2024 would not have been possible without the partnership of Marymount University, and the support of Joseph "Joe" Tubman, Marymount Conference Center Manager, as well as Evan Lipp, Associate Vice President for Enrollment at the university. We are also extremely grateful to all our staff, AmeriCorps members, and the many volunteers who provided invaluable help at all the workshops and learning stations we conducted throughout the day.

We want to hear from you!

If you joined us last Saturday, July 13, we want to hear from you! We invite you to share testimonials, insights, suggestions, or anything else you would like to contribute. We want your feedback!

Edu-Family Bootcamp flyer

A very special thanks to our IVY LEAGUE Sponsors:ADVANCE – The Northern Virginia Community College and George Mason University ProgramThe GMU Advance Program

Sponsor Edu-Family!

Interested in ways to support Edu-Family? Edu-Futuro is offering different sponsorship opportunities for any person or organization interested in supporting Edu-Family. Read more below and submit an Edu-Family Sponsorship form, available for download below, to

Why Sponsor This Event?
As a Sponsor of the Edu-Family you send a clear and loud message that anyone who puts in their hard work and desire to achieve higher education can with the right support and empowerment. Your support allows our families to be empowered to improve their lives by breaking the cycle of poverty the have seen in their previous generations.

There are plenty of reasons to sponsor our Edu-Family Event:

It is strategic: Our event will bring together close to 100 people from different organizations who want to make an impact in communities across the country, while providing their hours of service to support the big logistics behind this event.
More than 150 high school students from Northern VA will attend that day to be inspired and to learn more about the different possibilities at their reach and the tools to get there. You share our passion to improve the lives of Latinos and other immigrants, as well as first generations, by making education available to them. Sponsorship of the Edu-Family and the publicity surrounding the event will associate your organization with this worthy cause and confirm your organization's/company’s reputation as a strong community leader.

It's results-oriented: Of the students who completed the
ELP I program 97% exhibited the confidence, abilities, and skills
needed to stay on the college track. Also, 100% of our ELP II
youth successfully enrolled in college.
It’s local: Our work empowers youth to access postsecondary
education and to obtain their first professional job in the DC
Metro Area, giving them the chance to strengthen their
communities and contribute to our regional economy, and to
break the cycle of poverty.
It’s a way to show you care: Your sponsorship will publicly
demonstrate your commitment to supporting the Latino and other immigrant communities.


You Can Be A Part Of Our Team

We are always looking to expand our team of volunteers. We search out dedicated people that want to make an impact in our community and the world.. If you are interested in volunteering, click the Volunteer Now button below.

Your Donation Will Help Those In Need