What is the purpose of the dispute resolution mechanism of Art. 65.1 (a) and (b) GDPR?

The dispute resolution mechanism triggered under Art.65.1 (a) and (b) GDPR contributes to the good functioning of the cooperation mechanism by addressing any disagreements Concerned Supervisory Authorities (CSAs) may have in a given case or if there are conflicting views as to which authority is the Lead Supervisory Authority (LSA).
The EDPB will act as a dispute resolution body. It must adopt a decision to address the conflict between the involved Data Protection Authorities (DPAs), which is binding on them (Art. 65 GDPR). The decision is adopted by a two-thirds majority of the members of the Board, and in case a decision cannot be adopted within 2 months, the decision is adopted within the next 2 weeks by a simple majority.