Stanford Series

Original stories about entrepreneurship and innovation from Stanford experts.

Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders
A candid exploration of the entrepreneurial journey where informed leaders share personal stories of the secrets and setbacks behind real success.
Crisis Innovation
Collection of timely content centered on entrepreneurship and innovation in times of economic crisis.
Stanford Innovation Lab
Conversations on the leading edge of entrepreneurship, featuring Stanford faculty and other experts on strategy, creativity, technology and smart growth.


Navigating Difficult Decisions With Principles

Tom Byers, Stanford University

Entrepreneurial leaders must tackle significant decisions and dilemmas. What frameworks and principles do leaders use to navigate these critical junctures? This collection shares how entrepreneurs, innovators and leaders 1) define their own principles and 2) use values-based principles to tackle pivotal decisions.

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Putting Principles Before Short-Term Profit
Daphne Koller

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List Your Principles, Then Live Them

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Translating Values into Day-to-Day Decisions


Elevating Ethics in Entrepreneurship Education

Tom Byers, Stanford University

A new generation of aspiring entrepreneurs are demanding learning tools to create and apply ethical solutions at scale. This collection brings you three perspectives on achieving a new era of entrepreneurship education. Learn how students, faculty, and institutional leaders are equipping future entrepreneurs and innovators with the values and principles to help navigate ethical dilemmas. Learn more about STVP’s Principled Entrepreneurial Action and Knowledge (PEAK) initiative at

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