Community Digest

Top new questions this week:

Accuracy of continental drift maps?

I was looking up maps of continental drift through history and I noticed something that seemed off to me. Madagascar seems like it very obviously must have separated from what is now southern ...

plate-tectonics mapping  
user avatar asked by Mark D Score of 4
user avatar answered by John Score of 5

convert geopotential height's unit from m**2 s**-2 to hPa

Can someone please explain how to convert geopotential height 500 hPa from ERA5, where units while plotting are displayed as m2 s-2?

atmospheric-circulation upper-atmosphere  
user avatar asked by gklk_bap Score of 2
user avatar answered by Stevan V. Saban Score of 2

Greatest hits from previous weeks:

Global warming - why doesn´t mankind collect heat (thermal energy) and turn it into electricity or send it to space?

Why doesnt mankind "collect" thermal energy (there has to be some way: thermal couplings, detour over chemical energy, whatever) and after it has been concentrated at one point, turn it to electrical ...

climate-change geoengineering thermodynamics  
user avatar asked by Martin Eckleben Score of 33

(Why) Is there more landmass on Earth's Northern hemisphere than the Southern Hemisphere?

This Question on Worldbuilding is based on the presumption that there is a greater amount of landmass on the Earth's Northern Hemisphere than there is on the Southern Hemisphere. While researching ...

plate-tectonics geography land-surface  
user avatar asked by Zibbobz Score of 16
user avatar answered by user2821 Score of 11

What determines a mineral's hardness?

Mohs Hardness Scale is basically a measurement of the hardness of a material, or more specific, a rock or mineral. But I have never been able to figure out why some minerals are harder than others.

geology mineralogy minerals crystals crystallography  
user avatar asked by Azzie Rogers Score of 18

Why does warm air "hold" more moisture?

It is often explained that warm air holds more water because warmer water is less likely to condense. This and other explanations just seem to be circular arguments. If the warmer air picks up enough ...

atmosphere humidity air  
user avatar asked by Clark Score of 17
user avatar answered by BarocliniCplusplus Score of 17

Why are there no hurricanes in the southern Atlantic basin?

We see tropical cyclones (going by different names e.g. hurricane, typhoon, cyclone) all over the tropics, but it seems that there are never any storms in the southern Atlantic. See this map of ...

meteorology tropical-cyclone atlantic  
user avatar asked by Richard Score of 31
user avatar answered by f.thorpe Score of 6

Transfer precipitation forecast in mm to expected snowfall in cm

What conversion functions exist to transfer precipitation forecast in mm to expected snowfall in cm? Simple rules of thumbs as well as more advanced methods would be of interest.

meteorology precipitation snow  
user avatar asked by BHF Score of 19
user avatar answered by Peter Jansson Score of 14

How many trees would I have to plant to solve Global Warming?

According to NASA, causes of the Earth's greenhouse effect include water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and CFCs. Carbon dioxide gets the most press, and NASA's page says: Carbon ...

climate-change carbon-cycle  
user avatar asked by philipthegreat Score of 57
user avatar answered by Dikran Marsupial Score of 49
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