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Comparison of Health Behaviors Among Single- and Multiple-member Households

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Objective : To assess the differences in health behavior between multiple-member and single-member households by gender.

Methods : Face-to-face household survey interviews were conducted. The relationship between health behaviors and living arrangement was assessed by adjusting for SES.

Results : Women living alone exercised more and ate less food high in fat. More highly educated men were less likely to exercise 5 or more times a week than high school or less educated men.

Conclusions : By analyzing local data, a profile can be established to develop and implement appropriate public health programs aimed at these various target communities for effective intervention and healthy change in the community.

Keywords: health behaviors; local profile; need assessment

Document Type: Research Article

Publication date: 01 September 2007

More about this publication?
  • The American Journal of Health Behavior seeks to improve the quality of life through multidisciplinary health efforts in fostering a better understanding of the multidimensional nature of both individuals and social systems as they relate to health behaviors.

    The Journal aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the impact of personal attributes, personality characteristics, behavior patterns, social structure, and processes on health maintenance, health restoration, and health improvement; to disseminate knowledge of holistic, multidisciplinary approaches to designing and implementing effective health programs; and to showcase health behavior analysis skills that have been proven to affect health improvement and recovery.

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