New Home Announced for Trust


Senate House, London

Anxious to maintain its long established, and  historic, links with Bloomsbury where it has been based since the 19th century the Trust has now occupied its new Bloomsbury home, at  Senate House, in the heart of London. Discussions continue with a number of leading University libraries in England about the future management of the Trust's remarkable collections and these negotiations when concluded will free up access for researchers and a wider public to material of national and international significance. The physical base at Senate House also complements the Trust's strengthening relationships with the Institute of Historical Research and the  Institute of English Studies.

The new postal address for Dr Williams's Trust is therefore:

Room 263

Senate House

University of London

Malet Street



United Kingdom


9:50am, 11/12/23

The 2023  Friends of Dr William’s Library Annual Lecture ‘The “Moderate” Puritanism of Samuel Ward of Ipswich’ Thiis well-attended annual lecture took place in association with the Religious History of Britain 1500-1800 Seminar Series and took place at Senate House, University of London. https://www.history. read more …

6:39pm, 20/01/23

There will be no further access to research material (primary or secondary)  belonging to the Dr Williams’s Trust from 1st February 2023.   This is to facilitate the Trust’s disposal of 14 Gordon Square.   Nonetheless, arrangements are being finalised to provide access to material from autumn 2023 onwards and these will be announced in due course. read more …
