Fossil data and PyRate analyses for the IAA ostracod (515.52 MB)

Cenozoic history of the tropical marine biodiversity hotspot

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Version 2 2024-05-13, 13:51
Version 1 2024-05-08, 09:54
posted on 2024-05-13, 13:51 authored by Fabien CondamineFabien Condamine, Skye Yunshu Tian, Moriaki Yasuhara

This zipped file contains:

(1) Census data: Cenozoic fossil ostracod census dataset from 216 samples across the IAA region, totalling 47,727 specimens for 874 morphospecies (including 94 species records where at least part of a genus could not be identified to species level and were treated as one species record each in the analyses);

(2) Dataset: it includes the original dataset for the IAA ostracod with the fossil occurrences (species assignation and stratigraphic ages);

(3) Commands: it includes a command list of the Bayesian analyses performed on the ostracod datasets using PyRate;

(4) fixShift: it includes two text files to set up the time intervals used in the BDCS model for constraining the periods in which rates are estimated in PyRate;

(5) BDCS: it includes the folders for the different birth-death with constrained shifts (BDCS) models in PyRate including the outputs and plots of results;

(6) MBD: it includes the folders for the different multivariate birth-death (MBD) models in PyRate, performed with the files including the times of speciation and extinction (TsTe) for the IAA ostracods and the outputs of the analyses.


Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China / RFS2223-7S02, HKU 17300821, HKU 17300720, HKU 17302518, C7013-19G, G-HKU709/21

Small Equipment Grant of the University of Hong Kong

Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research of the University of Hong Kong / 202111159167, 202011159122, 201811159076

Faculty of Science RAE Improvement Fund of the University of Hong Kong

Seed Funding of the HKU-TCL Joint Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence of the University of Hong Kong

SKLMP Seed Collaborative Research Fund (SKLMP/SCRF/0031)

Humboldt Research Fellowship
