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Open Access A Case Study of Cairo Airport Noise for Preserving Worker's Hearing in Egypt

Cairo is the eleventh biggest city in the world and the capital of Egypt. Annoyance of workers from Cairo international airport noise levels was studied. 260 workers at 13 different locations with different noise levels were evaluated. The goals of this study are to carry out measurements to evaluate airport noise levels inside its offices, arrival, departure halls, and places of workers who guide airplane to stop in its place, are these levels exceeded the permissible levels set by Egyptian noise standard and policy to protect public health of workers?, to carry out experiments for reducing airport noise levels, to examine worker's attitudes towards airport noise, to know the relationship between airport noise levels and degree of annoyance. The results of the measurements showed that L dn of 90 dB and higher were recorded. Annoyance of respondents showed that 42.8% were highly annoyed, 4.6% their hearing were harmed. There was a strong relationship between airport noise levels and percentage of highly annoyed respondents. By increasing airport noise level possibility of workers to make mistake in their work was also increased. Respondents suggest less maximum daily exposure duration than those set by Egyptian law.

Document Type: Research Article

Publication date: 01 January 2014

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