Tensor Modes from a Primordial Hagedorn Phase of String Cosmology

Robert H. Brandenberger, Ali Nayeri, Subodh P. Patil, and Cumrun Vafa
Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 231302 – Published 7 June 2007


It has recently been shown that a Hagedorn phase of string gas cosmology can provide a causal mechanism for generating a nearly scale-invariant spectrum of scalar metric fluctuations, without the need for an intervening period of de Sitter expansion. In this Letter, we compute the spectrum of tensor metric fluctuations (gravitational waves) in this scenario and show that it is also nearly scale invariant. However, whereas the spectrum of scalar modes has a small red tilt, the spectrum of tensor modes has a small blue tilt, unlike what occurs in slow-roll inflation. This provides a possible observational way to distinguish between our cosmological scenario and conventional slow-roll inflation.

  • Received 1 June 2006


©2007 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Robert H. Brandenberger1,*, Ali Nayeri2,†, Subodh P. Patil1,‡, and Cumrun Vafa2,§

  • 1Department of Physics, McGill University, Montréal QC, H3A 2T8, Canada
  • 2Jefferson Physical Laboratory, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA

  • *Electronic address: rhb@hep.physics.mcgill.ca
  • Electronic address: nayeri@schwinger.harvard.edu
  • Electronic address: patil@hep.physics.mcgill.ca
  • §Electronic address: vafa@physics.harvard.edu

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Vol. 98, Iss. 23 — 8 June 2007

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