Abrupt Change in Radiation-Width Distribution for Sm147 Neutron Resonances

P. E. Koehler, R. Reifarth, J. L. Ullmann, T. A. Bredeweg, J. M. O’Donnell, R. S. Rundberg, D. J. Vieira, and J. M. Wouters
Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 142502 – Published 3 April 2012


We obtained the total radiation widths of s-wave resonances through an R-matrix analysis of Sm147(n,γ) cross sections. Distributions of these widths differ markedly for resonances below and above En=300eV, which is in stark contrast to long-established theory. We show that this change, as well as a similar change in the neutron-width distribution reported previously, is reflected in abrupt increases in both the average Sm147(n,γ) cross section and fluctuations about the average near 300 eV. Such effects could have important consequences for applications such as nuclear astrophysics and nuclear criticality safety.

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  • Received 5 December 2011


© 2012 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

P. E. Koehler1,*, R. Reifarth2, J. L. Ullmann3, T. A. Bredeweg3, J. M. O’Donnell3, R. S. Rundberg3, D. J. Vieira3, and J. M. Wouters3

  • 1Physics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831, USA
  • 2Goethe Universität, Frankfurt Am Main, Germany
  • 3Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87454, USA

  • *Corresponding author

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Vol. 108, Iss. 14 — 6 April 2012

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